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  • Istituto di Scienze della Vita
  • Agrobiodiversity Lab

Contribution of Prof. Paolo Bàrberi to FAO Document.

Data pubblicazione: 13.12.2016
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FAO in collaboration with the Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD), the Secretariat for the Pacific Environment Programme (SPREP) and the Pacific Community (SPC) has just launched a Technical Guidance Document on "Mainstreaming ecosystem services and biodiversity into
agricultural production and management in the Pacific Islands".
Prof. Paolo Bàrberi, coordinator of the Group of Agroecology at our Institute, has contributed to report by co-authoring a chapter on Ecological Weed Management in the Pacific Islands.
The document is available at:
The publication has the scope to support countries in the region in finding synergies in the application of international conventions on biodiversity and on management of chemicals/waste, and particularly in the revision process of their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). It aims to foster cross-sectorial collaboration in the promotion of ecosystem-based approaches to agriculture.
The publication was officially launched at COP13 on 9th December in Cancun, Mexico.
  * CBD press release on the publication launch:
  * Highlights from the "Forest and Agriculture Day" at COP13 on IISD  website:
  * Press release from the FAO Sub-regional Office for the Pacific Islands on the Samoa training workshop: